I wonder Delilah, if your partner’s perceived coldness is meant to demonstrate for you a stance that you yourself sometimes take in relation to your own accomplishments and efforts (birth being a major creative endeavor). It strikes me that you too in the dream are relatively unfazed by the birth of the puppy in a sense. Is there a way in which you might somehow be getting in the way of your own desires being met in your waking life? Is it safer to detach, play things off as if they don’t mean too much?
Read morePublic Dream Journal Vol.3 (4/11/22) I am Tethered to a Whale →
He is quite literally, burying the dead weight to which you have been tethered. And he is honoring your timing Alma. He doesn’t decide to cut the chords, you do. I cannot know how his act makes you feel, but imagining myself in the same position, I experience a wave of relief and I love the idea that maybe your lover is performing a burial rite for whatever it is that causes you to feel disconnected from your agency, power and self-determination.
Read moreThis is what happened when I tried Dreamwork, Hollywood's Latest Obsession
I tell her I’ve ended up down Google rabbit holes looking for a dream’s “meaning” after one has stuck with me but mostly felt disheartened when the explanations don’t connect with me. I learn this is because dream work is really more about deciphering the emotions and imagery a dream brings up, rather than looking for a literal translation. Cara thinks of the source behind a dream as a “dream director” (you might think of it as the unconscious).
Read morePublic Dream Journal, Vol. 2 (12/26/21) Bear on the Loose →
…something shocking has taken place here and your response is to try to reason it into making sense…While you don’t exactly mention fear, you do say that you’re aware, all the while, of a bear on the loose. An ongoing state of awareness like this rings of hypervigilance, a state often brought on and/or sustained by fear.
Read morePublic Dream Journal, Vol. 1 (7/3/21) The Shape of Desire →
In your dream’s opening, you enter an empty space. To this empty room, you bring with you, the idea that you are waiting for an orientation. Is this a familiar way of being for you? When everything around you is empty/undetermined, do you wait for others to advise your movements and behaviors? How does considering this make you feel?
Read more15 Methods for Conscious Habit Formation →
Since I’m often working with people to help them feel new potential in their bodies and to shape new bodymind habits, I’ve come up with the following list of Habit Forming Hacks, 15 in all. If you want to replace a so-called ‘bad habit’ with a new, more conscious behavior, I recommend giving them a try.
Read moreDo you think you're bad at meditating? →
“It’s been my experience, and I offer this experience in hopes that it clears up what for many is a common barrier towards developing a positive relationship with meditation, that the part of us that meditates is not the part of us that thinks. The part of us that can tune into an expanded state of consciousness, that is meditation, is not mind.”
Read moreRe-defining Strength
Photo by Camille Vivier. Photo content from @oneofa__kind on Instagram.
The fulfillment of process as therapy leads towards a more dimensional definition of strength. Strength not only as brute force, but strength as having options, nuance, and the capacity for appropriate modulation. The ability to surrender weight onto a supporting bone for example, is not strength per se, but it is an element that is required in order for the musculoskeletal system to sustain its intricate and never ceasing balancing act.
Read moreSelf Love Challenge. Give Gratitude a Try. →
Why is self-love something to care about? It’s like the oxygen-mask announcement on airplanes. Before you assist others, you first, secure your own mask. It’s the same with love. Loving others can be richer, more delicious, more secure when self-love precedes it.
Read moreBeing With Pain →
Watercolor by Alexis Trice.
In a country that has one of the highest prescription drug addiction rates on the world stage, in other words, one of the highest rates of violence towards the self, is it really so surprising that we are also enacting so much violence towards each other?
Read moreAn Introduction to Thought as Vibration →
It’s of course, no secret that athletes, performers and many successful businesspeople harness the vibratory potential of thought to their advantage on a regular basis. The act of imagining success, visualizing performing actions, with refined technique, which organically achieve your desired results, creates a vibratory projection of that success as a potential reality.
Read moreJournal Writing as a Reflective Practice for Enhancing Self-Awareness and Catalyzing Personal Evolution →
If you put it down in writing, it is much more likely to happen.
Read moreA Hypothesis Regarding the Potential Benefits of Underwater Meditation →
The results were a pure sensation of natural vibrancy emanating from my center. Both a bright buzz misting outward off my skin in all directions and an alive, energetic coccoon fully embracing me at the same time.
Read moreEntering the Fluids: Meditative Explorations into the Interstitial and Cellular Fluids. →
There are different means of accessing fluid embodiment…
Read moreCellular Breathing - A Somatic Tool →
Borrowed from National Geographic article “How 40,000 Tons of Cosmic Dust Falling to Earth Affects You and Me” by Simon Worrall published Jan 28, 2015. PHOTOGRAPH BY NASA, JPL-CALTECH, UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN.
Before the lungs breathe, the cells breathe. In through the cell membranes nourishment is absorbed. Out from the cell membranes, excess and toxicity are expelled. The balance of this ever-present taking in and letting go underlies our health.
Read moreSharing a Theory →
I would like to posit, that these young German adults, who are forced to face the truth of their country’s history, in fact, the choices and actions of some of their still living relatives, are actively participating in healing from their pasts. They are coming to terms with their inherited truth and in doing so they are looking for ways to improve themselves, their country and their environment.
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