BodyMind Centering®

Length: 55 - 85 minutes

Price: $120-160/$85 (in person/virtual/scale available)



Group Classes

Virtual workshops and online classes.

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Somatic Movement Education


55-minute virtual private $65

55 - 85 minute in-person private $100 - $140

Virtual Group Classes and Workshops*

$10-25 depending on class length and content.

*Organize a group and request your own theme/topic. Organizers receive 20% off a private somatic session.

Unpacking Somatics

Somatic practices ground us in the present moment, reconnect us to the world around us (of which we are a part) and enhance our awareness of our internal experience.

Somatic practices are not always about finding ease and comfort. Sometimes they are about learning to take action. By cultivating our senses, our capacity for presence and our ability to embody differing nervous system responses, we build our capacity to make conscious choices so that we may appropriately engage with all around us.

Via Somatics, we recognize ourselves as a community of cooperative organisms in process. In this sense, Somatics is subversive and adds depth and detail to conventional wisdom about bodies. The field continually gathers wisdom. We’re the researchers.


Somatic Imagination experiential online lecture produced by MythsofCreation

Embodiment Practices for Conscious Transformation class series hosted by 2nd Story Pilates & Yoga, Queens 2021

Experiential Anatomy for Adults at Triskelion Arts Brooklyn 2019

Ribs, Heart, Lungs & Diaphragm: An Intro to BMC at Mason Gross School of the Arts, Rutgers U. Dance Department 2020 - 2023

Pelvic Floor & Integrated Core Online Class Class 2020

The Principles of Conscious Touch In Development


- establish familiarity with comfort, safety & ease

- support neuroplasticity & nervous system flexibility

- decentralize the brain and enliven the cells

- increase proprioceptive and spatial awareness

- improve full-body coordination & integration

- expand consciousness

- cultivate presence, patience & compassion

- engage in process and choice-making

- learn about your body and yourself!

For more information on the field of Somatics visit or the Bodymind Centering website.