During the month of September, it is my intention to publish a series of short essays about the power of cutting out negative self-talk and reshaping our internal narratives for maximum benefit. Within the series, I will share tools addressing how exactly one might go about replanting and nurturing a fresh and healthy self-identity. If followed with care and conscious effort, I’m willing to bet that anyone who begins to retrain their brain-chatter using the suggestions I am going to outline with each installment, will reap wide-reaching improvements across the areas of confidence, security, self-awareness, ability to be convinced by one’s passions and to follow through on them with conviction, positive attitude and drive.
I am beginning here, with an introduction because I feel it’s important to explain that my concept for how to molt the stifling skin of a negative sense of self, which I am going to introduce in forthcoming installments, relies on the idea that thought is vibratory in it’s nature.
In order for you, reader, to follow my drift, we must agree to accept this way of examining and understanding thought. In case you’ve never considered that a thought might possess vibration or actually be vibration, here’s some food for thought.
Personally, I am able to visualize, somaticize and even directly experience thought as vibration by imagining the ripple of a wave of water moving/passing through my body as a thought occurs. I feel the impact of the thought on the different parts of myself it contacts; it’s interactions with my existing energy fields. I find this exercise to be a satisfying reminder of the temporal nature of thought. Without an action of “holding on” exerted by the thinker/us, a thought will come and it will also go. Feeling the movement of thought, understanding its vibratory nature, can therefore be a practice of non-attachment; of letting go. I encourage you to give this method a try. In the bath, in your bed, on the subway — it’s subtle enough to play with anywhere; yet specific and direct enough to yield a clearly felt-understanding of knowing your thoughts as vibrational matter.
It’s of course, no secret that athletes, performers and many successful businesspeople harness the vibratory potential of thought to their advantage on a regular basis. The act of imagining success, visualizing performing actions, with refined technique, which organically achieve your desired results, creates a vibratory projection of that success as a potential reality. The vibrational thought components create a field of possibility in which that reality becomes much more likely to manifest. Do it again, the vibration of that possibility is bolstered. Do it once more, the chances it’ll take place are significantly enhanced. Practice it regularly, it becomes very likely that you will have what it takes to make it happen.
When thoughts are emotional in their content, their vibratory nature can be exaggerated and our experience of them, if we are free to express our emotional realm, reflects the signature vibratory pattern of the felt emotion in the physical responses induced. Sadness, when unobstructed, for example, can become a sobbing that deepens the breath into a heaving pattern and eventually cools with slowing sighs. There is a rhythmic arc here, a complete vibratory pattern, that seems to be connected to a cathartic, self-preservation process. This pattern exists and is somehow imprinted in our human DNA so that we all have access to it. We can all express sadness.
Anxiety and fear also manifest via vibration; in a fast-racing heart, a quickening of the breath and even a visible chattering of the jaw. The escalation in rhythmic speed of these natural functions is uncomfortable and often fear-inducing. Speaking of fear as a thought-emotion, when triggered, it can transform the bodies rhythmic processes into sudden stillness, making us less conspicuous victims; the reptilian brain’s attempt at a disappearing act. Experiences of pure joy are often distinctly vibrational; boisterous eruptions of rhythmic belly laughs that when surrendered to can evoke a peaceful sense of spaciousness.
We can see clear examples of vibration shaping form in nature. Trees that withstand strong winds often grow shaped by the direction and impact of the wind that combs through their branches. It is perhaps not so far off, to envision the winds of mind and emotion creating form/shape/holding and use-patterns in the physical body. Recognizing thoughts as temporary, vibrational inhabitants of our personal space can bolster our practice of uncluttering the mind, helping us to maintain access to neutral ground and to avoid becoming hardened, inflexible by any one thought/feeling/way of existing.
It is my belief, attested to through the examples shared above, that thoughts/emotions create changes in our vibrational field of experience. Relying on this hypothesis, I am going to put forward some achievable means of enhancing our vibratory potential over the next few weeks. The theory behind my ideas is simple; out with the waste, in with the nourishment. Stay tuned for the next installment. I hope you’ll read and comment.