Dance, Creative Movement as Self Discovery.
Pilates and Functional Anatomy
Bodywork: Esalen, Zero Balancing - BMC concepts. Learning about Lymphatic Manual Drainage.
Somatics: BodyMind Centering including infant developmental movement, Klein Technique, Ideokinesis, Laban Movement Analysis and Bartenieff Fundamentals, Somatics as Social Justice, Anti-Racist Somatic Abolitionism, Somatic Experiencing.
Nature and Spiritual Investigations: Qi Gong, Five Elements Theory, Taoism, Buddhist Psychology, Quantum Physics, Living Systems Theory, the Chakras
Most influential Books.
The Thinking Body, Sensing, Feeling and Action, My Grandmother’s Hands, A Path with Heart, Inner Bridges, Non Violent Communication, Anodea Judith, Joanna Macy. The Tao de Ching, Carlos Castaneda series on Don Juan. Stalking the Wild Pendulum.