Community Resources
Al-Anon provides help and hope for families and friends of alcoholics and substance abusers. Meetings are held globally and virtually, are free of charge and run by people who’ve been through it. A tried and tested model for community-led, peer to peer support; a lifeline during times of crisis.
Anti-Racism Daily. Founded by Nicole Cardoza, this free (donations encouraged) daily newsletter is designed to support the dismantling of white supremacy by making your anti-racism practice persistent and consistent. Dailies include tactical actions you can take to practice anti-racism, insights on the systemic and interpersonal practices that uphold white supremacy and tangible resources to support your ongoing anti-racist education.
The Babies Project: “There can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul than the way in which it treats its children,” said Nelson Mandela. At Babies Project, co-founders’ Amy Matthews and Sarah Barnabys’ shared vision is to create a world where babies and adults of all ages get the touch, support and movement they need to thrive. They are an educational non-profit, offering developmental movement education for babies of all ages: infants, toddlers, parents, caregivers, adults and elders.
Callen-Lorde Community Health Center provides sensitive, quality healthcare and related services targeted to New York's lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender communities regardless of health insurance status.
Cultural Coherence: Rooted in interpersonal neurobiology, Cultural Coherence is a project (currently a newsletter) founded by Rachel Martin, to support the development of communities of practice where white people learn to track defensive racialized stress responses (fight, flight, freeze, collapse, etc.) and shift out of them and into social engagement. As we learn to cause less racialized wounding, and foster repair, we grow a more coherent culture among our people.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: ENGLISH 1 (800) 273 - 8255, ESPAÑOL 1 (800) 628 - 9454
Planned Parenthood will see you for STD screenings, birth control prescriptions, abortion and other health services no matter your insurance status. Their financial aid department will assist you with payment resources as needed.
Rooted and Embodied: Founded by Somatic Experiencing practitioner, Karine Bell, Rooted and Embodied is raising awareness of trauma imprints and healing through the body to create an ecology of care. This subscription-based Virtual Village of online resources (reading, conversations, classes) is designed to cultivate healing for the human family and co-imagining new ways of being.
The School of Life YouTube Channel: The School of Life is dedicated to exploring the great questions of emotional and psychological life. According to founder, philosopher Alain de Botton, the school believes in developing emotional wellbeing through ideas and discussion. Based online and in 10 physical hubs around the world, including London, Melbourne, Istanbul and Seoul, I get so much out of watching their animated, heartfelt videos.
The Zendo Project provides harm reduction trainings and education on how to work with challenging experiences and create a platform for honest and responsible conversations about substance use. The Zendo Project’s intention is to create public awareness around the potential risks of drug use and to reduce these risks by providing strategic tools and useful information.